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DiTEMP training
The Digital Transformation and Employability: acquiring transversal competences in curricular Education Project – DiTEMP – proposes an action aimed at embedding Digital Transformation elements, with reference to its impact on field-specific labour markets, in academic curricular education. DiTEMP would contribute to the evolution of internal processes at higher education institutions to support graduates’ employability by increasing integration among academic bodies and supporting services through the improvement of interdisciplinarity to enhance the efficacy to embed the world of work into academic curricula.
Digital transformation entails the gradual transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies, and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact across society and citizen lives in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind.
Before entering the DiTEMP platform we recommend reading the short guidelines.
By clicking DOWNLOAD THE GUIDELINES you will receive guidance in using the training Modules in the most effective way. The Guidelines has the role of a “consultant” companion and is also available in English, Greek, Spanish, Italian and Romanian.
You can now navigate the platform for free by clicking TEACHER TOOLKIT and the LEARNING AREAS